The Shamrock Court Motel in Sullivan, Missouri. It can be yours for $125,000. Lots of possibilities. Actually, now you're too late. Missouri's Roamin' Rich bought it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Savannah Bound-- Part 15: Parris Island Museum and Traditions

We parked and went into the Parris Island Museum.  Of course, there was a lot of Marine4 Corps stuff in there as well as the making of the Parris Island Recruit Training facility.  I especially enjoyed the rooms and exhibits on the site's past and particularly the Civil War, of course.

The Battle of Port Royal took place there.  It was one of the United States' first amphibious operations, involving the U.S. Navy and Army and happened on November 7, 1861.  The entrance to the sound was guarded by two Confederate forts, Fort Walker on Hilton Head Island and Fort Beauregard on Phillips Island.

The fall of the forts led to the Union occupation of Beaufort, South Carolina, which became a major base for the U.S. Navy for operations in the area between Charleston and Savannah for the duration of the war.

We stopped and had the buffet lunch at the former officers club, now a restaurant called Traditions.  The place was full of families and the new Marines.  Quite a few had tee shirts with the picture of their son or daughter on them.

A Proud Day, No Doubt.  ----RoadMarine

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