The Shamrock Court Motel in Sullivan, Missouri. It can be yours for $125,000. Lots of possibilities. Actually, now you're too late. Missouri's Roamin' Rich bought it.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Back to Indy-- Part 20: About Those Stairs

May 30, 2021,  Sunday

Here we have arrived at the biggest Memorial Day commemoration in the United States, "The Greatest Spectacle in Racing!"

The line we saw yesterday by the Daredevil Brewing Co. was for fans getting the autograph of Graham Rahal, a popular Indy car racer and son of Indy 500 racer Bobby Rahal who won the Indy in 1986.  He is also an Indy team owner.

Well, now we prepare to go up those damn stairs.  I hate those stairs.  I can handle them when there is a slow-moving crowd where you'll stop every so often, but to walk straight up them is rough.  It feels like my knees are empty.  Unfortunately, today was a straight walk up.  It took me three stops to get to the top.

Once there, I remain until the end of the race because I am NOT going down those stairs and then back up again.  That means no bathroom breaks for me.  Now, at the Indy you're allowed to bring alcohol inside as long as it is not in glass.  I don't know of any other major sport like that where you can.  I can drink beer at that price.  I will not pay $8 and up for a beer.  I'm cheap that way.

What this means is that I don't drink anything until the last third of the race.

Don't Want to Go Back Up Those Stairs Again, You Know.  --RoadStairs

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