The Shamrock Court Motel in Sullivan, Missouri. It can be yours for $125,000. Lots of possibilities. Actually, now you're too late. Missouri's Roamin' Rich bought it.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Back to Indy-- Part 19: Race Day

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Well, it's here.


I was awakened at 5:30 am by the track PA system.  (We are right across the street from the Speedway and, of course, RV walls aren't that sound proof.

At 6 am, they set off some fireworks.  Why fireworks.  I don't know.  But it is my sincere hope that it wakes up some of the local yokels who were out partying  to the wee hours this morning.

Walked over to the Shack and got coffee and a sausage biscuit.  Bought a Challenge Coin.  Supposedly, if you go into the Legion and plunk the coin down and no one has a matching one, they have to buy a drink for you.  Regardless, it is about as big around as a baseball and quite neat looking, so I would have bought it anyway.

After getting packed up with food and drinks, we went across the street and entered the Motorway with little delay.  I saw very few masks, but it turns out you had to have one to get to the seats.  (Fortunately, we all had ours with us.)

Then, there were those stairs.  Those horrible, killing stairs.  They were hard on me the first time I encountered them about ten years or so ago, but every year they get worse.  It is like my knees grow empty.  I had to stop and sit down three times for those knees to recover, before I got to the very top of what is referred to as the catwalk.  The fence behind us is the outside of the Motorway.


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